I was so tired of doing it the hard way. I wanted to become more productive and feel good about my motherhood plus all the other things i do as an entrepreneur. I actually use a minimalist approach to everything, including my photography business. 

Its not just "in" to declutter. It's actually the best decision you can make, if you are looking for more time. I am a big advocate to love and care for your kids. Treat them with respect but if you are stressed and busy and rushing to finish all he things, then it just becomes harder. 



Keep- Things you actually use. If you feel like you need something but haven't used it then store it away and see if you miss it. 



Keep- A box with all the paper and review weekly.. Only keep the papers that require an action from you or that you'll need in the future. 



Keep - Clothes that fits, are in season, and is used. If you have clothes your child doesn't like or use then that can go. 



Keep - Blocks, Puzzles,
Stem, Toys



Declutter house = Declutter Mind
My children love it when its organized. They are more creative and since there are less distractions the y focus more.

They can be big helpers
When they are not overwhelmed with so many toys they can actually help and take the responsibility of cleaning up. Now that their close is limited to what they really need they help fold and put it away on their own. Its not overwhelming and they are learning to be responsible and they love contributing in the house. 

benefits for children